
About (en)

Some of my friends called me "uyabin" in my Tokyo time.
I love this name "uyabin", so I made an image of uyabin. You can find the letters of uyabin in the favicon and the profile picture of this blog.
"uyabin" is pronounced like "oo-yah-been" instead of "oh-ya-boon" means BOSS in proper Japanese pronunciation.

I was born in 1967 in Koza City, Okinawa and raised up in Gushikawa City from 1972 to 1986. 1972 was the year of the reversion of Okinawa to Japan. I still remember I bought a bottle of juice by US cent coins, not Japanese Yen, when I was 4 or 5 years old. That was one of my memories before 1972.
I moved to Tokyo to study in a university in 1986.
I got a Master's Degree in Computer Science And Information Mathematics in 1992.
I had my first job for a telecommunications company in Tokyo.
I lived in Hong Kong for business from 1996 to 1997 and that was a turning point in my life, when I look back on my life.
I married in 1998 and we had a son in 2000, yes, he was our "Y2K: Year 2000 problem."
I've got a new job here in Okinawa and lived since 2001.

The birth of our son in the big city Tokyo made me think seriously where to live next 10 or 20 years, then I and my wife felt going back to Okinawa was the best way to raise our son, so we decided to go back there and left Tokyo in 2001. That was the another turning point. We fortunately had two daughters then in 2004 and 2008, so lovely they are.
And we are living with a gentle and lazy female cat from 2006.

I have the national qualification of Chief Telecommunications Engineer (Transmission and Switching).

A diagnosis of personality about me, called MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), shows INFP or INTP. Surely I see something self-consciously inside of me.

Blog : started at 2006-05-18 / published @ blogspot at 2008-04-22.
